17 February, 2025

Regional Centre

Student Information


Information for Students:

Dear Learners,
Always visit RC Website [ http://rcbhubaneshwar.ignou.ac.in ] for all updates including Counselling Schedule, Practical & viva Schedule, Assignments, Exams, Re-registration, induction meeting schedule etc.
Always be in touch with University main website http://ignou.ac.in/ for all updates by university headquarters.

Pl. subscribe to RC Face book at https://www.facebook.com/IGNOURCBBSR/ for regular updates.

Pl. subscribe to RC Twitter at https://twitter.com/rcbhubaneswar for latest updates.

Pl. subscribe to RC You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRHjPp9G-0RBR2lStfsIqBQ for recordings of online classes & other videos.

To apply in State Scholarship Portal, pl. visit Link - https://scholarship.odisha.gov.in/website/home for various scholarship schemes offered by state govt.
To apply in National Scholarship Portal, pl. visit Link - https://scholarships.gov.in/ for various scholarship schemes offered by central govt.
Practical & Project: pravat@ignou.ac.in
Computer Section: email:  csrc21@ignou.ac.in  
RC Address:

IGNOU, Regional Centre, C1, Institutional Area, RRL
Bhubaneswar – 751013, Khurda, ODISHA
Email : rcbhubaneswar@ignou.ac.in