26 March, 2025

Regional Centre

Student Support Services

Student support service is one of the key areas of which the success of any Open University depends. This Regional Centre is therefore giving utmost importance to various kinds of support services provided at different learner centers in the state. At Regional Centre all the unsolved problems of the study centers are taken care of and the students are given utmost freedom to approach Regional Centre functionaries for solving their problems. We have a single window enquiry system at the Regional Centre having Internet facility. Besides student queries and student problems a lot of academic input is also being given from time to time from Regional Centre. Regional Centre has both SIT and DRS supported teleconferencing facilities and students are encouraged to participate in the teleconferencing programme. In addition to this, IRC is being conducted on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of every month in collaboration with the All India Radio, which gives an opportunity to the learners to ask questions and solve their subject specific problems instantly. All radio stations in the state relay the programme. The Regional Centre has a well-equipped computer lab with 30 workstations having networked and backup facilities with the broadband Internet connection. The learners of MCA,BCA, BIT, ADIT,PGDLAN, CIC and CLP undertake their practical sessions with the support of experienced teachers and professionals. The Regional Centre is also equipped with three classrooms for organizing theory counseling sessions. To provide support services the regional centre has adopted collaborative measures with various Governmental and non-governmental organization in the state. Recently many NGOs have come forward and join hands with IGNOU for promotion of IGNOU programmes as well as delivery of programmes through learner centres. The Regional Centre is also actively involved in participating in various book fairs and career fairs organized in the state. Recently IGNOU participated in an Employment Fair organized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment supported by PIB at a remote area in Keonjhar district. The Regional Centre has recently established a Student Information Centre (My Counter) at its office at Bhubaneswar. The learners are facilitated through a dedicated computer having internet connection to browse through the website of IGNOU to ascertain the current status related to their admission, re-registration, material dispatch, address change, results etc. They are also provided on-line support for filling-up of the examination form, making queries on their problems, etc for quick disposal of their grievances without any additional cost.

The Regional Centre has taken special initiatives in offering academic programmes in Oriya medium to meet the special needs of the rural students. The programmes presently offered in Oriya medium are CFN, CWDL, BPP and selected course of BDP (under preparation). The RC has also identified certain areas on which the need based academic vocational programmes proposed to be offered suiting to the requirements of the population

Change of Course for BDP
Change of Course for Master
Change of Prog,Medium,Course of BDP,BSW,BTS
Change of Progr., Course, Medium of PG , Mgt,BED
Change, Correction of RC & SC Name, Address,
Convocation-Degree,Diploma Certificate
Duplicate Diploma,Degree Certificate
Duplicate Grade Card,Mark Sheet
Issue of Migration Certificate
Photo Copy of Answer Script
Re admission for All Prgrammes
Re Evaluation of Answar Script
Reimbursement of fee

Date of Publication of Result

Option form for selecting Digital /Soft copy to Printed Study Material

 BSC - Life Science course details.

Name, address correction form after obtaining degree certificate