17 February, 2025

Regional Centre


Dr Pravat Kumar Jena

Asst. Regional Director


Educational Qualification


MSc, M.Phil, Ph.D in Physics


Professional Qualification


PG Dip. in Distance Education(PGDDE), MA in Distance Education (MADE), PG Dip. in Educational Management and Administration (PGDEMA)


Area of Specialization

Physics & Distance Education



·       Qualified NET with JRF conducted by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

·       Before joining IGNOU, served in various capacities under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for more than 8 years.

·       Worked as Assistant Regional Director in IGNOU since May 2012 and officer in charge of IGNOU Sub-Regional Centre, Kandhamal (2013-2017).

·       Published a book with title “Distance Education in India” during 2021 and contributed many book chapters for edited books.

·       Published numerous research articles in various peer reviewed reputed National and International journals in the field of Physics and Education. 

·       Presented many research papers in National and International conferences and currently, continuing more research work in the field of Education/Distance Education.

·       All the research articles can be accessed from the Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=9M8tHJ0AAAAJ


1.      Redressal of student grievances

2.      Examination related matters

3.      Project and viva-voce related activities

4.      Practical examination and practical counselling

5.      Monitoring of BEd workshop, practice teaching and school based practical activities

6.      Academic counselling related activities

7.      Empanelment of academic counsellors

8.      Activation of new programmes at LSCs

9.      Consolidation and analysis of counselling schedule and submission of proposal for purchase of books/journals etc.

10.   Monitoring of RC’s and LSC’s Library

11.   Nodal officer for districts – Cuttack, Puri, Khurda, Dhenkanal, Keonjhar

12.   Any other activities assigned by the Regional Director from time to time